"It is my privilege to recommend Todd Phillippi as a Church Architect. I have worked with Todd on a personal level for the past 7 years. He drew up the master plan for St. Timothy on the Northshore and was the design architect on the Highway Youth Worship Center, Classroom and parking lot expansion. The church and I are extremely satisfied with his work and professionalism.
Todd is a man of vision and is on the cutting edge of church trends and design. I found him willing to listen to my input as senior pastor and to put on paper the vision that God has given me for the future of St. Timothy. He worked well with our design and long-range committees. He was also was well aware of local ordinances and design controls that we have in Mandeville.
I have also found Todd to be a man of integrity, who doesn't cut corners simply to get a job done. He is concerned about the church's money and the need for the church to manage its construction budget. We found him to always act in the interest of the church in our dealings with contractors and others.
I look forward to working with Todd in the future as we plan on construction of a new Sanctuary here at St. Timothy. If I can answer any questions please do not hesitate to contact me."

James Mitchell, Senior Pastor, St. Timothy on the Northshore Mandeville, LA

"I am glad to be able to write a letter of recommendation for the architectural services of Todd Phillippi. We worked with Mr. Phillippi's firm to develop a plan to expand our church building on a site we owned. Throughout the process communications were excellent, very friendly, and professional. At no point did we feel that we were lacking in answers, nor was there ever any hesitation in responding to questions.
We were especially grateful that Mr. Phillippi's firm was very creative in discovering the possibilities within our budgetary limits, while at the same time being forthright about what was beyond our financial capacities. We also observed that Mr. Phillippi and his associates were held in high regard with the engineers and contractors who worked on the project, and by the township personnel in the approvals process. Never was there the slightest indication that communications or standards were compromised. 
Before beginning our original construction project, our church was given the alternative opportunity to enter into a lease arrangement in a corporate center requiring major redesign and renovation of an office building. We gladly contracted with Mr. Phillippi to provide the architectural services for that work, and we have been very pleased with the layout and design. I am certain that had we not gone with an architect who understood our needs and our mission we would have been hampered in our current work. We continue, almost three years after the project's completion, to receive compliments on how well our facility serves our needs.
We could not be happier with the work Mr. Phillippi did for us, and I highly recommend him. I would be glad to speak with anyone personally should there be further questions."

Ed Crenshaw, Lead Pastor, Victory Church, Norristown, PA 

"As the New Year begins we look back over the past year and evaluate what took place so that we can learn, and build with our strengths. In that light, I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed working with you this past year. Your guidance in assisting us to develop a Master Building Plan was a true bright spot in our year. You made, what could have been a very difficult process, a wonderful experience. Your insights into ministry, church culture, church growth, and the truthful assessment of cultural and market dynamics has made the final product more of a road map to navigate the journey than a hurdle to climb over. And, by the way, your competency in understanding design and function is invaluable.
As we look forward, we are excited to turn this Master Plan into specific building plans and then into an implementation process so that our church can continue its growth and see the kingdom of God advance in our community. We are looking forward to walking this journey with you in this New Year."

Dennis Baril, Senior Pastor, Community Covenant Church, Rehoboth, MA

"It is hard to believe that is has been almost 8 years since we began working with you on the addition to Davisville Church, and 6 yea rs in the new facility. In the years since we moved in, we have come to appreciate even more your efforts to combine beauty with functionality in our space. Your expertise and experience in guiding us through the process resulted in a facility that was better than what we had in mind originally. You walked through the building process with us, and were flexible as changes were required or suggested. You handled the challenges of marrying a large addition to an existing building, with the result feeling less of an add-on and more of a comprehensive structure .
Most of all, I appreciate your kingdom mindset, and I want you to know that the building has been and is being used heavily to accomplish Davisville's purpose of fearlessly loving God and people. The facility allows us to better serve the family at Davisville, but also provides opportunities for groups in our community to gather. It is a tool that we seek to use well.
So thank you for working with us, not just to build a building, but to equip a ministry to do the work that God has called us to do. We are grateful and pray that God will continue to bless your work as you help  other churches and organizations through providing Strategic Facility Planning and Consulting for Churches and Christian Ministries."

Tim WIlson, Lead Pastor, Davisville Church


"It is my pleasure to recommend Todd Phillippi and Strategic Facility Planning for Churches and Christian Ministries. I've known Todd for a number of years and have had the pleasure of working with him on projects at Bethel. Todd has proven to be a man of integrity and someone who truly has a heart for God and ministry. Todd does not simply view his work as a means to collect a paycheck, but rather, he views it as a partnership with the church or organization to help it maximize it's potential for God.
Todd is a total professional with insight and experience to maximize each project and to overcome the wide range of challenges that inevitably occur with every project. I wholeheartedly recommend him & his services. I am excited to be working on a project right now with him, and I know we will continue working together long into the future."

Rob Tarnaveski, Lead Pastor, Bethel - the Church at Franklin Mills      Philadelphia, PA 


"I am writing in reference to my good friend and architect, Todd Phillippi. Todd has been involved in developing our award winning facilities for over twenty five years while associated with the WPH Partnership. He continues in that role with Strategic Facility Planning for Churches and Christian Ministries. Having worked so closely with him, I can assure you that Todd is both personally and professionally, someone who can be totally trusted by those who select him as their principle architect. His integrity is unquestioned by all who know or have worked with him, and his planning and architectural ability is of the highest quality and creativity. He gets it done.
After three building programs at Gateway, we look forward to completing our Master plan with him, creating one of New York City's great church facilities and houses of worship. Our complex has already won two Chamber of Commerce Building Awards, and will no doubt win again when our third building is completed this year. 
Please feel free to contact me for any further help or information in making your decision to employ Todd Phillippi for your next visionary building project."

Dr. Daniel Mercaldo, Founding Pastor, Church at the Gateway, New York City

"As we began to develop building plans for the expansion of First UMC it became clear to me that we would be best served by seeking expert advice as early in the process as possible. Having worked with Todd Phillippi as part of another church’s building program, I knew Todd not only as an architect but also as a committed Christian who feels called to use his gifts and talents in what I can best describe as “design ministry.”
When it came to seeking expert advice, Todd’s name was the first one on my list. We hired Todd initially to do a one-day consultation. Todd observed our congregation as we used our existing facility on a Sunday morning, took notes, asked pertinent questions, and made a few recommendations to the Building Committee. Most importantly, Todd brought his years of experience and knowledge to the conversation. As a pastor I found Todd’s presence and insights invaluable as I sought to help the congregation discern God’s leading and direction. When all was said and done, Todd and his fine team designed our new Family Life Center which, now complete, is both a beautiful addition to our campus and is allowing our congregation to grow and minister to our community in new and powerful ways.
If your church is considering a new building or expansion, I couldn’t recommend anyone more enthusiastically than Todd Phillippi."

Brady Whitton, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist, Baton Rouge, LA

"It is my honor and pleasure to strongly recommend Mr. Todd Phillippi for your upcoming growth project. In September 2009 we dedicated our new expanded facility designed by Todd's firm and we could not be happier. Let me add that when we entered the early stage of conceptual drawings, they were not our first choice. We initially returned to the architectural group which did our last project. Yet when every design they showed us seemed dated, we opted to contact Todd.
From our very first conversations with Todd we sensed that he "gets it." He knows that church buildings are not temples but tools for ministry. They are not an end in themselves but the means to bringing more people to Christ. Todd and his team spent extensive time understanding our needs and proposing new ways to reach people. He knows the latest trends in church architecture. He also helped us select an equally wonderful contractor.
Most of all, because Todd is committed to Christ, his heart is in the right place - he puts the Lord Jesus and His mission first in everything he does. I know this not only through our collaboration with him on our project but also because of times I spent with him individually in prayer. He is a man of integrity and deep faith. For all these reasons and more, I unreservedly recommend Todd Phillippi to you and your congregation."

Doug Hoglund, Senior Pastor, Woodside Church, Yardley, PA

We are so grateful to the Lord and to you and your team for our facility which has proven to be very useful and effective for our ministry. May the Lord continue to use you, and may your ministry be blessed and honoring to the Lord. Psalm 115:1, 14 & 15
— Larry Burd, Senior Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Bethlehem, PA